24 Απριλίου 2013

12 Απριλίου 2013

Germany must pay to Greece 1 trillion euro !!

Germany has to pay to Greece 1 trillion euro for the crimes of second Wold war. Finally Greece demands this amount
Economists say that if Germany had paid Greece what it is alleged to owe, it would dramatically improve the country's likelihood of coming through its debt crisis.

Greece suffered greatly after being invaded by Hitler's forces but, unlike every other country Germany went to war with, has not been paid compensation.  The Paris Reparations Agreement of 1946 obliges Germany to pay Greece an enormous amount of billions
Greece has never resigned  its rights!

Germany wants Greece to become little more than a financial protectorate, but the Greek people will not be so easily controlled.'

09 Απριλίου 2013

Thank you Greece!!! This video from spanish students about Greece


EU grants the quantity not the quality. For example Greek olive oil

European Union doesn't care about quality. Cares only about quantity. Greece has the best quality of vergine olive and extra vergine olive oil all over the world. Italy for example imports greek olive oil to improve the quality of  its olive olive. Also European Union imports 150 millions tons olive oil from Maroco in a very low price. Why not European Union doesn't pay better the best extra vergine olive oil. Why this happen ???
Why does not EU grant the Quality of products and grant only the quantity.
Tons of greek olive oils stay in the warehouses. Today the price that can reach olive oil price is 1 euro and 50 cents. In other words  you have to sell about 40 kilos of extra vergine oil to buy a medium and not very expensive mobile phone (absurd !!!!)
To be more precise to collect 40 kilos of olive oil you must collect 300 kilos of olives it means 2 person for two days /8 hours working hard. In addition you have to go to olive press and wait 3 -4 hours and also pay for the service and also pay for the worker that worked for you in the field (35-40 euro)
Who is gonna see this situation and reward the greek olive olive to be at the first place at any house in an a satisfied price ????

05 Απριλίου 2013

Greek Problem. A simple Question

Κανείς δεν κάνει ενα απλό ερώτημα. Οι φίλοι μας οι Γερμανοί μας δίνουν δάνεια (είτε για να τους ξοφλήσουμε τα παλιά ειτε για να μειώσουμε το δημοσιονομικό μας έλλειμα). Έστω οτι αυτό θα συνεχιστεί ακόμη 2  7 20 χρόνια. Κ εστω μετά μας βαρέθηκαν δεν μας δίνουν αλλα. Η Ελλάδα εκείνη την στιγμή τι θα κάνει ? Θα παει στην δραχμή, θα κόψει νόμισμα, θα αρχίσει την ανάπτυξη ή οτιδήποτε αλλο. Γιατί δεν τα κάνει όλα αυτά σήμερα ???

Nobody makes a simple question.
Ok German people are our friends to Greeks  and they give to us money-loans.
Why do they give us all these money ??
Of course because the old debts are not paid. They give us new money in order to pay the old debits (adsurd!!!!)
Or they give us money to lessen the greek deficit (absurd !!!)
Very nice up to here

Lets say after 2 years or after 7 or even after 20 years German doesn't give any more money.
Then Greece would have to decide what must do

The choices are :
- return to drachma
- go to a new currency
- start from scratch rebuilding Greece
--because Greece must be sold as a country before

Κανείς δεν κάνει ενα απλό ερώτημα. Οι φίλοι μας οι Γερμανοί μας δίνουν δάνεια (είτε για να τους ξοφλήσουμε τα παλιά ειτε για να μειώσουμε το δημοσιονομικό μας έλλειμα). Έστω οτι αυτό θα συνεχιστεί ακόμη 2  7 20 χρόνια. Κ εστω μετά μας βαρέθηκαν δεν μας δίνουν αλλα. Η Ελλάδα εκείνη την στιγμή τι θα κάνει ? Θα παει στην δραχμή, θα κόψει νόμισμα, θα αρχίσει την ανάπτυξη ή οτιδήποτε αλλο. Γιατί δεν τα κάνει όλα αυτά σήμερα ???

02 Απριλίου 2013

What a nice achievement of the European Union !!

We entered in European Union to have better perspectives !!! On the contary everything is bad. Have a look of what happen in Greece now

- Unemployment, average in Europe 24,5 % (Greece 35%)
-3.500 suicides case because of the financial crisis
-No heating to Greek homes
-You can see shops closed. All these closed shops doesn't pay any tax. No incomes for the Greek state
-Greek consumer has no money to consume this provoces closed shops, unemployment, less paid taxes, less GDP, bigger loans, all these lead on bankrupcy
-enormous taxe, hospital doesn't work, cancer patients doesn't have their medicine, senior citizens cannot buy their medicine
-All countries own to Greece, to remember some of them, mathematics, geometry,logic, medicine, drawing, philosophy, building, democracy

The purpose of all this I mention
is to lower the price of marines, harbours, customs, public properties, airports, gas, petrolium,ancient greek monuments etc so the Germans to buy all of them in a very very low price

We don't like such a European Union
We EU doesn't protect the Greek borders which are also European borders. About 2.000 to 3.000 emigrants pass through Greek islands to Greek teritory. They all come to a poor country with no money no skill no everything. Also they cannot go to any european country because Shengen Treaty banned it. In addition in someone emigrant is captured in any European country it must be returned in first european country he had entered (Greece). But this has cost for Greece - to keep all illegal emigrant to greek territory. No one from European Union cares about the future of Greece

And something else
From the moment we enterd to European Union and moved to Euro automatically all European citizens stopped visiting Greece because automatically Greece became expensive for them. When we used drachma massive tourists from all european countries were visting Greece. Now all Europeans cistizens go to Turkey for vacations.
What a nice collaboration with our European partners.
We give our money to buy products from Europe tv, appliances, clothes, materials, everything  but when we sell tourism in Europe no ones buy it. I think this plan was schedule in this way from the start
Go on European Union
Go ahead

When the European Union becomes a Territory European Union ?
When the European Union become a Financial European Union ?

The answer is never

14 Μαρτίου 2013

Οι ειδήσεις στην Ελλάδα πρέπει να γίνουν ειδήσεις

Τα παπαγαλάκια της Τηλεορασης αρκετά ζήμιωσαν τον τόπο. Τελος. Οι ειδήσεις πρεπει να γινουν ειδήσεις. Προσωπική απόψη έχει ο κάθε ελληνας και ελληνιδα δεν χρειάζεται την προσωπική αποψη του κάθε τυχάρπαστου Ευαγγελάτου, Καψή, Πρετεντέρη, Χασαπόπουλου,Καμπουράκη, Αυτιά και ας μην συνχεχισω γιατι αηδιάζω στην σκέψη και μόνο των ονομάτων αυτών και άλλων συναφών

Σύγχρονη υποταγή κρατών μέσω δανεικών

Η σύγχρονη αποικιοκρατία εδράζεται στις υπερχρεώσεις κρατών μέσω δανεικών. Βλέπε Ελλάδα υπερχρεωμένη ή κατά άλλους σωζόμενη με 650 δις ευρώ. Ζούμε εναν σιωπηλό και κυρίως ειρηνικό πόλεμο δίχως όπλα. Το σκηνικό όλο παίζεται με τις τράπεζες και με δήθεν χρέη και δήθεν χρήματα που ουτε καν περνανε τα σύνορα της Χώρας μας. Εικονικά χρέη για να έρθουν οι Γερμανοί να πάρουν τελικά τα πάντα και τζάμπα. Μαρίνες, αεροδρομια, δήμους, ΔΕΚΟ, λιμάνια, ΔΕΗ, ΕΥΔΑΠ, Δημόσια περιουσία, ορυκτό πλούτο, μουσεία, ενέργεια